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Who am I?

My name is Maitreya Wolf.


Insofar as vocation is concerned, I am a catalytic embodiment of the wild feminine mystery and beauty who supports people in awakening to your souls true power so that you can stand on strong roots with wings spread wide while you live and give your gifts in this moment of magnitude with clarity, potency, joy, and integrity.  


That mission takes many forms:


I am a wisdom teacher, shamanic counselor, musician, speaker, writer, entheogenic priestess, dancer, earth lover, wild mystic, and more (so much more).


There was a long career as a ritual tattoo artist wherein I crafted rites of passage for people with the ancient art of tattoo at the center of the process.


There was a long stint as a yoga teacher where I supported people in coming home to their bodies, the breath, and the moment so that they could live more clearly, powerfully, and peacefully.


There are now students and clients engaging in the transformative process of Soul Power Mentoring, a soul-healing, self-mastery, creativity, and earth-based ritual arts Mystery School.


I'm a performing musician creating ritual concerts in which I bring people into deep communion with soul and mystery through music, story, poetry, and dance performance.


I facilitate entheogenic journeys in which people can experience direct communion with Source and help them ground and live that experience as a path of joy and service afterwards.


I'm in deep relationship with the Old Powers of creation. I spend most of my time in the mystery. 


I've devoted myself to evolving exponentially in this life, so always growing and learning.


Metamorphosis is my principal state, and I have become a pollinator.


My life has been a deep weave of beauty spiced with lots of trauma, and has cultivated me into the capacity to walk tall, stand strong, and be refined, deepened, enlivened, and empowered by circumstance, no matter what flavor it takes.

I've learned how to be initiated by my experience, and this wisdom is what I bring to you in Soul Power Mentoring.


Being initiated by our lives gives us center, ground, meaning, and direction.


It gives us a place to stand in the chaos of the changing world, a place to stand that has power, gravity, and creative potency.


My mission with this work is to support you in living in your truth and power so that you can participate in the awesome metamorphosis of the times beautifully.


In this mystery school I weave soul healing and self mastery practices with the cultivation of creativity and the practice of earth-based ritual arts into a path of embodied empowerment so that you can live your most empowered and fulfilled life in joy and as a service to the awakening, liberation, and healing of humanity and the planet.


If you are ready to live at an even deeper level than you have so far by rooting into the cycles of the natural world and the truth of your own soul as your compass in this life, let's explore the possibilities.... 


I look forward to talking with you soon.





Shadow on Concrete Wall

What is Soul Power Mentoring?

Soul Power Mentoring is an evolutionary journey which focuses on deepening the relationship with your innermost self and the natural world so that you can cultivate living wisdom, resilience, embodied empowerment, inner peace, and a deep experience of fulfilling your souls purpose for being here in the world.


In this work you will learn:

~ Traditional, sacred ways to deepen your connection with nature and the mystery so that you are always engaged in and resourced by an active relationship with the wild earth and Source.


~ How to live in alignment with your true self and rock being you in ways that are deeply fulfilling, powerful, and beneficial to yourself and others.


~ How to relate to your own life and what happens around you and in the world through a mytho-poetic, initiatory lens so that everything you experience can be fuel for the fire of your awakening, evolution, and empowerment.


~ How to transform pain into power so that what took you down in the past becomes that which lifts you up and helps you to serves others in the present and the future.


~ How to navigate being “triggered” so that you can improve the quality of your personal experience and all of your interpersonal relationships.


~ How to work with Big Emotion - anger, fear, ecstasy, pleasure, etc - in ways that make it possible for you to harness and stabilize the heightened energy and power available in those experiences.


~ How to deal with repetitive patterns of self-defeating behavior so that you can live in alignment with your values and your deeper self, and enjoy your life more.


~ You will receive a full-spectrum, completely personalized transformational mentoring woven of deep wisdom, intuitive counseling, spiritual practice, and practical mystical instruction that will help you overcome long-standing blockages and finally live in alignment, integrity, and joy.


Who it's for:

~People in significant life transitions or grief processes who want a deeper connection with the earth and the mystery to support, guide, and empower you in your movement from one state of being to another.


~People experiencing spiritual awakening or spiritual emergency who need support and containment to ground and integrate your experience.


~Professionals who have accomplished "all the things" but hunger for a deeper experience of Life and are ready to try something new and different to wake up and feel greater fulfilment, joy, and purpose.


~Teenagers stepping towards their true nature and ready to live their power.


~Anyone who is ready to more fully embody the truth of who they are.




Visit the “Work With Me” page to learn more about the different ways to dive in. 


Reach out if there's something you're interested in that isn't named there: I'm always open to new possibilities.  Click the button below to schedule a free Soul Empowerment call to learn more about the work and how I can support you.


I'm excited to connect!




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This site is copyright 2020 by Maitreya Wolf for Soul Power Mentoring.

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